This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the concepts and architectures of computer networks. The course will also address the fundamental concepts of computer network topologies and protocols, including the TCP/IP stack, IP routing, and operating systems. Other topics include architecture trade-offs, operating systems, and input/output. This course requires graduate standing and consent of the instructor. For more information, visit the ECE department website.
The first two semesters of ECE engineering courses involve a review of the fundamentals of signal and information theory, including probability, statistics, and calculus. In addition, students will learn about basic probability theory and how random processes affect information. Moreover, they will study the concepts of power spectral density, sampling distributions, and estimation, and probability and statistics. Finally, they will learn about analog and digital modulations, as well as phase-locked-loop systems, matched filters, and simulated circuits.
Another important area is control. In this area, students learn how to modulate the input signal of a system to obtain the desired output response. Practical examples of control systems include automobiles, airplanes, and power grids. They can even save lives with medical devices. In addition, students will also learn about the principles and applications of real-time digital signal processing. This course requires graduate standing and a grade of C or better in ECE 301.
Students also take project-based robotics, which involves designing and building robots. The course also explores the definition of autonomous robotics, as well as the architecture, design, and simulation of power electronics. The final semester of this course is a capstone course that requires students to complete a research project. The course is cross-listed with ECE 445. There are prerequisites for both courses. If you’re interested in this course, you should take BENG 1, CENG 4, and NANO 4.
Other topics in electrical and computer engineering include electromagnetics, which includes antennas for both satellite and terrestrial wireless communication. The principles of antennas are studied, including their impedance, polarization, and beam pattern. The various types of antennas include monopoles, dipoles, paraboloids, and phased arrays. Other topics include power budgets, noise, and multipath. And in the end, it’s all about bringing together different technologies.
Advanced topics in ECE engineering include signal processing. Students can learn about data-processing techniques and analyze data-processing problems using signal processing. Graduate students may also take ECE 154C or ECE 302 if they’re interested in signal analysis or sound compression. These topics are covered in more depth in ECE 432, which is required to complete the program. You’ll be expected to have a B+ or better in ECE 101 to take it.
Typical elective electives include electronic devices. You’ll learn about the basic concepts of electromagnetics and quantum mechanics, and you’ll learn about a broad range of applications for electronic devices. Electronics engineers also study the physical behavior of transistors. The topics of ECE engineering courses are wide-ranging and varied. The topics of the major may be of interest to you. However, the most common topics are chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics.